Friday, June 30, 2006

Rounter not yet working

1WU:1:30 2WU:2:15 3WU:5:46 QG:1,2,4,5,3

I called the computer shop yesterday morning, tried to mention my router's problem. Miss Carl said the replacement will be in Monday. So I tried to ask Steven, she mention he can configure the router for me as they sold quite a lot of this router.

Then my nehpew told me that "Planet" rounter is a more stable router if compare with other. He read the info from user review. So I have to give this brand name router a chance. The thing is why they didn't reply me when I can problem on their first product.

I always hope the vendor can always have a good response on their product. Like Dell, they really provide a good services although I didn't bought their prodcut yet. Their services really give me good feeling so my next pc or notebook will buy from them for sure.

p/s: photo taken at "The Mall" at Bandar Seri Begawan on their car show. I like this photo as the cars seem "floating". Can you see it? Let me know, okay?

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