Friday, June 29, 2007

I like the rainbow

I like this rainbow, someone send to email attachment to me:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Formatting is okay for today posting

Formatting is okay for today posting.
The problem one still got problem although I tried to editi it just now. Strange thing happen in here.

Just that day posting got formatted problem, the rest is okay. Strange?

Strange format on blogger posting

Checked and found my yesterday blog format a bit strange.
The format is not like the previous one.
Cannot make the paragrahph and the paragraph is not like the previous one.
Try to edit yesterday and it still the same.
I though it was my my office pc got something wrong.
Check at home found the format also the same.
hope it will okay today!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some thinking of PC antivirus program

No sign of virus notification again, good news to me.
I really not sure.
I also don't know the Norton Antivirus is good enought or not. Sometime I think it is good enought to protect my pc on realtime protection, but it still attacked by viruses anyway.
As my office still using dial up connection, so the 2 days updating have to take some time to download the files. No like the rest of the antivirus program AVG and Avast which just have some little files to update daily. They also update automatically while online.
There is many antivirus programs out there, which is good and which is not so good.
The new one also came and I also heard this nod32 antivirus. My niece is starting to use it as she mention AVG and Avast cannot help her. Her notebook already formatted for several times already.
I really hope the antivirus keep updating and work strongly, but I think the spywares and viruses also will become too stricky.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Try to get rid of Vundo Trojan virus

Got this virus before I went to KL, but not sure the real date of this virus infected.
I got this virus may be I went to some web sites which I should go.

I got the Norton antivirus and AVG free antispyware but it still infected without any warning.
I think nowaday viruses and spywares is so tricky and strong enough to bypass your installed antivurs programs and anti spyware programs.

I got the Norton antivurs program notification saying that my pc is infected with this Vundo Trojan virus.

Then I tried so many way to get rid of this virus.
No chance to "kill" this virus. I got this virus removal from Norton web site, but no luck. The removal even cannot found this virus. Strange to me. Wonder why? I was so happy at first when I found the removal and it took about a hour to scan my whole hard drive.

I follow what the web site saying and still cannot find this virus and delete it.
I tried to boot from save mood, go to command prompt, tried to delete it. Cannot as the file pmomlkh.dll which located at c:\windows\system32 is loaded with system while boot up to save mood windowxp.

I also tried to search on the net using "get rid of vundo trojan" on Found some tips but cannot help at all. I also went deep inside the registry and scan the line step by step, cannot find the sign of this virus attacked statements, so may be the reason the Norton virus removal cannot found it!

The noticification still there on yesterday. Strange thing that the notification is gone when I switch on my pc today! So, where is the virus, it is gone forever? Will tell you that!

Some daily trivia stuffs

Mei Fang is looking for me urgently from yesterday and today, this morning.
She have her luck investment and got some good feeback, some she pay all her debt to me. Good person and I can borrow to her again and again. She always return to me and keep her promises.

He is not paying anything for the last three months.
He did reply my email saying want to see me and discuss for the payment.
I want him to say out his plan and he has no response.
I think I better raise up my plan and get him to pay something.

Still thinking go to the KL ceremony or not on October, 2007
May be go and may be not going, but got some feeling I willing to go on this morning while I practicing.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Some photos taken at KL

Just post some of the photos I have taken at this trip at KL.
The first performance.

About 50 tables on this anniversary's gathering, all full.

They practice the first routine.

To sing the birthday song moment.

This Muslim QiGong student sharing her experience with QiGong.

Taken with Master Calvin How.

Their group photos with all the committee.

Taken with Master Steven How on that late night, after the 6th QiGong anniversary.

Back from KL

Just back from KL, at around 1:20pm.
Just took a snap for one hour.
Hope I can upload more photos on here. No much photos taken these times!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Go to KL

I will fly to KL today and back to Brunei at 24th June, 2007.
This morning just got my passport with visa. Then the travel agent told me that the visa is chopped wrongly with invalid date.

So I have to beg my friend to drive me to Bandar S Begawan to amend the visa for me. I use my car with her. She agreed to drive me, I really many thank to her.

Back from Bandar is about 12:32pm.
Luckily my flight is at tonight. 4 of us going.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Shows I watch at these days!

Just show what I watching almost crazily these days on

I really love this contestant singing:

Not a good day

Quite long time didn't write anything on here.
Today got some mood to write something.
Yeterday my leg is been "twisted" and felt quite pain after than. It was the time I came out fro Netcom computer shop to check my neice's pen drive problem.

I just want to read the info of the computer price, then suddenly I got a fall then "twist" my left leg.

What I think was I may cannot drive my car again back to office.
But after I took a rest for 10 more minutes, then I manage drive to pay my telephone bills and back to office.

I didn't do anything and back home as usual. The leg is getting more painful and I cannot think someone can help me.

This morning I finally decided to call Xing to help me, see whether he can fetch me to Miri to check my leg. He called me at around 9:20am and mention he is busy.

So I have to do something, my sister told me can find Mr. Wee. Oh yes, I almost forgot him. So I tried to call him and make a appointment at this evening at around 6:00pm.

He called back and mention he can do at around 2:30pm. So I received his call again at 2:40pm and I went direct to his home.

The treatment really KILL me, too pain on my leg. I suffer for more than 40 minutes and release the pain after his treatment. It's realy too pain!

Back home and felt better, hope it will OKAY after 2, 3 days.