Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fun on the net

Found this website when my brother email some interesting photos to me:

My QiGong Blog

1WU:5:49 2WU:6:45

Please do surf to my QiGong web site which I updated yesterday.
I did add a link in here but it did not show up, have to checked what was it cause.

My QiGong Blog

Sunday, February 24, 2008

QiGong Dinner at BSB

1WU:5:44 2WU:7:46 2WU:8:15

Back home after mid night last night, at around 12:15am.
Laid on the bed after brushing, and it's at 12:33am already.

The dinner was finished around 8:30pm, and some programs was running. Too many Kara'Oka, too many dancing. Took too long for the next programs to run. Programs running not smoothly.

Anyway, programs end at 11:20pm.
I will post some photos here anyway, probably you may view some videos.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Add MSNShell for my MSN

Add MSNShell for my MSN messenger.
Downloaded several times then finally got it, installed and run.
It seem a bit small for MSNShell for the first time. I noticed that it just no showing after loading when I switch on the pc(my MSN is automatic run when on my pc), it keep showing on the task bar. I have to right click it and open messenger then it will show.

The most important thing I like is it showing slides, sure that I have to select what photos to show.
Another good feature that it also can show the weather of one of the city you like.
Other feature that I have to explore it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

陳冠希記者會 + 超high口譯

Windows Vista SP1

Got Microsoft Technet news:

Microsoft TechNet Flash Newsletter
Deploying Service Pack 1

Volume 10, Issue 4: February 20, 2008

Note from the Editor

Greetings Seemon,

We know that many of you are anxious to get your hands on the Windows Vista Service
Pack 1 RTM bits. And to that end, we have some good news. We are pleased to announce
that--while broad RTW availability is still scheduled for March--the SP1 Update RTM
bits are available now to TechNet subscribers. If you are subscriber, please visit
TechNet Plus Subscriptions <> and sign in to
access Top Subscriber Downloads. If you have a prior version of the SP1 beta
installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing the final version. Check out
Things to know before you download Windows Vista SP1
<> for more information, and for updated
details on all aspects of Windows Vista SP1, stop by the Windows Vista TechCenter

For a closer look Inside Vista SP1 File Copy Improvements
<> pull up Mark Russinovich's (of
Sysinternals fame) blog and learn about the evolution of the file copy. Also catch
Mark and a panel of experts on March 5 at 9:00 AM Pacific Time for a live,
interactive discussion on adopting Windows Vista into a desktop infrastructure. Sign
up for Still Undecided on Windows Vista? <>
and hear about the challenges, workarounds, and tips & tricks they have learned
along the way. For access to guidance, resources, tools, and straight-talk articles
today, visit the Springboard Series <> for
Windows Vista.


Source: Internet, Email





去年二月底發生了一件很令人痛心的事,有一天我先生不在家,他去長庚醫院照顧中風的父親,沒想到在半夜裡,竟然有一個蒙面的歹徒,手持長刀,身穿黑衣,闖進我們的房間,他看到只有我跟幼子在家,就用威脅的方式將我強暴,而且又把我的頭部打傷。歹徒離去之前又搶走了我的錢和金飾。事後我告訴我先生此事,他聽後氣憤填胸,十分震驚。連忙帶我去包紮頭傷,又去? (怕我懷孕)。我在遭受這次痛苦的意外事件後,心中不斷的祈求菩薩保佑,希望不要再有風波。然而事經半年後,我卻惡夢連連,不但時常夢見那歹徒又來非禮我,甚至每當先生有意要親近我的時候,我都立刻聯想,甚至誤認是那個歹徒又要對我強暴,因此很討厭先生親密的舉動,連帶的也對其他男眾產生疑懼的惡感。

不久之後我們搬到鄉下,為了設法將過去的創傷逐漸淡忘,我每天開始虔誠的誦經和拜佛。經過一段期間後,也許是心誠感動了佛菩薩,我終於在去年的教師節前夕回到了我過去一直嚮往的一家佛寺,同時也幸運的看到了過去一向關心我的師父。這位師父對於我過去的一些不幸遭遇非常同情,因此希望對我有所幫助。師父接著要我到佛前燃香,懇請冤親債主出來釋冤解怨,當時我以十分懺悔與懇切的心加以祈求,沒想到在心誠則靈的情況下,不久竟有一個小女嬰附在一個信徒身上,表示要找我,然而卻以極為懷恨的態度表示,她是我以前墮胎的孩子,使我嚇了一大跳。後來我細細回想才突然憶起我們剛結婚不久後,因為有一次害怕太早懷孕而無法負擔養育子女的額外費用,因此就與先生商量對策,結果就到西藥房買了避孕藥服用,想不到吃? F竟發生墮胎的效用,因此也就在無意中殺害了一條無辜的小生命。


接著出現的冤親債主是一個女子。她表示我的前生是男的,本來她是抱定終身不嫁,要出家修行,結果我為了要佔有她,得到她,竟不惜趁機加以強暴,使她懷孕,生下一子,結果她竟為此鬱鬱而終,而出家的心願也為之破滅。後來為了報復這個深仇大恨,經經常緊跟在我身邊,一再障礙我修行的道路,使我心雖向佛,卻始終很少有機會接近師父,聽聞佛法。另一方面她又使我的婚姻陷入苦惱,無法自拔。後來她更進一步引導歹徒來強暴我,使我身? 葹悃奕苤A痛不欲生。現在我才體會到,我今生所以會被人強暴,甚至被人持刀傷害,原來都是過去生自己所造的孽,今生才會一一回報在自己的身上。因此『一報還一報』,實在罪有應得,毫不冤枉。





最後還要補充的是,師父告訴我有一位教授,三十年來一直都是腰酸背痛,不管服用中藥或西藥均無法根治,甚至曾遠至美國作徹底的身體檢查,亦無法查出病因,因此經常感到不適,行動極為不便,非常困擾。近年來由於信佛甚為虔誠,因? 馱]有機會獲得殊勝的因緣,在師父的協助下了解了自己病痛的根源。

原來這位教授的前生乃是清朝時代的一位職位很高的官吏,然而對於犯人卻經常施予殘暴的酷刑,尤其動輒杖打犯人的背部,以致活活被打死的人不計其數。此外又常常使用挾手指、打斷腿的方式凌虐犯人。因此當冤親債主出現時,兩手竟不斷的發抖,腳也變成癱瘓,完全無法走動,而且口口聲聲大喊上天不公:『這樣殘暴的人為什麼今生還可以當教授?』經過師父百般解釋,說明一個人的功名和命運的好壞是因緣果報的結果,我們不能只看他某一時的表現,而忽略了其他的作為或其過去生的種種業因,因此不應怨天尤人,心生嫉恨才是。不過為了彌補以往的過錯,並表示誠心的懺悔,這位教授當場向這些冤親債主下跪,並表示最大的歉意,而且答應:1.替他們立牌位超度, 2.捐巨款助建道場,做善事, 3.將過去這種 不仁道的行為公諸於世,使世人警惕,不再犯此過錯。經過這些溝通之後不久,這位教授的病痛便日漸改善,不斷起色,實在不可思議。

My Friendster horoscope

Add this friendster application on here. Now Friendstep also got some new feature: applications.

Gathering with Xing and Mr. Wong

Back home at 11:52pm last night. Tea break with Xing and Mr. Wong and his wife.
Xing promised come at 8:00pm, but he arrived at8:30pm cause he mention he was viewing all kind of fire works on the way to my house.

I brought my laptop with me. So I surf to TBS newspaper for Xing to view.
He read some articles from the newspaper. Then I show him some photos taken these days.
Mr. Wong still not came yet, he mention he will came late. He was visiting one of his friend who back from Canada.

Finally he arrived at 10:45pm by the time we ready to go.
We chat and eat some snacks. Feeling good. Felt tired and by the time I go to bed is second day already.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Chap Goh Meh

Today is the last day of Chinese New Year, normal they called it "Chap Goh Meh", actually "Chap Goh" in Hokkien mean fifteen, "Meh" is night. So "Chap Goh Meh" mean The Fifteen night of Chinese New Year.

As this is the last day of CNY, so Chinese will have big celebration.
Today I am working half day but will back home a bit late as the workshop will fire a 30,000 pieces of firecracker which only cost B$46.00.

Will try to take some photos and may be take a video.

Back home at around 2:00pm.

Tried to upload video to youtube, got connection problem. I will try next time. I think the broadband speed is slow.

I starting to hear some fire cracker sound, I expecting a lot for tonight.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Solved WiFi low signal strength problem

Solved WiFi low sigal strength problem tonight.

Went to Tsng's house to check his PC again, this elder brother'c PC signal strength is back to normal but I really do not know what is happening that day, cannot surf to internet at all. I tried to ping to IP, it seems okay but will loss some of the signal, the thing is it can surf to internet now.

Went to another house who is Tsng brother also have the low signal problem, it claim that by the time he installed the driver, it can surf to internet, but after he plug out the wireless adaptor, replug in again, it cannot surf at all.

I ping to, no signal at all. I used my loptop to surf to internet, okay. I think the laptop have strong wireless adaptor. Another thing is the wireless adaptor Tsng brother use may not so good to received good singal.

Finally I want to check the upstair Linksys router configuration.
Good that the Linksys rounter admin right password is easy, so I checked the channels frequently. Then go to Prolink wireless adaptor web site to check the available frequently.

I changed it to No.1, back to the PC. Found the singal is back to normal, ping to is okay. So solved the problem. What I found the router channel frequency setting is not on the wireless adaptor range.

Got my new toy

1WU:4:43 2WU:5:27 3WU:5:51

After the final treatment, I bought 4 bronze status from down stair, cost RM$50.00, original RM$168.00. A bit earlier than yesterday, back to office at 5:21pm. Cooked my Chinese medicine for 14 minutes. Back home around 6:00pm.

I also bought a laptop Acer Aspire at half price.
Strange than it did not come anything. I mean the CD, manual.
I got the laptop, carrying case, power cable, that's all. I just wonder why the rest of the accessory is gone. Never mind as it really at very good price. I got B$150 again for this unit.

I got this unit in the morning. Tested it and pay the full amount. This laptop still under warranty. So have to full test. I used it and found it was okay, fine, a bit fast. WiFi is okay, dial-up modem okay and have to test the rest of the hardware and softwares.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dr. Phil's Personality Test on Facebook

Tried this Dr. Phil's Personality Test on Facebook, quite interesting, but some of the question is not 100% suite for me, so the result is NOT 100% correct too:


I tried to up update my Yahoo blog 360 photo.
Update some information at friendstep, too long for no login.
Read some messages on friednstep, joined in one of the travel group.
Write email to one of the Yahoo answers page author.
I still did not go to solve the low wifi singal strength problem yet, I really do not have time to solve the problem yet, may be this coming Saturday I will have a look.
Most probably is the router channel problem, may learn some new knowledge for this.

3rd treatment today.

1WU:3:37 2WU:4:47 3WU:5:56 LNQG:1~5 SMQG:20m

Went to Miri again yesterday at 3:09pm. Arrived Miri town at around 4:00pm, I did not checked the time. Finished the treatment at 4:38pm. Thinking where to go, thinking to have a cup of tea. Finally decided to buy the Miri phone line reload for RM$5.00 as I found I cannot call out to Brunei, checked the status and found it have to reload before 18th. Called back to office after reload.

Ready to go home. Back to Kuala Belait office at 5:38pm.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My youtube video

Just upload a video at youtube:



AiFM Malaysia

Surf to AiFM Malaysia radio station and listen it's online radio.

I like listen this radio station and it can listen online. It got lot of information which is very useful.
From daily trivia stuff to most important health care.
I always switch to this radio station every morning by the time I drive to work.
Also listen online when I am surfing at home.
Although I also listen to rest of the radio, but I like this radio very much!

AiFM close the link at updated)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Went to Miri today

Went to Miri as plan yesterday. Visit the acupuncture, but I found he was not open the shop when I arrived. So I have my second plan. Visit another acupuncture for my spinal cord.

Luckily he was in when I arrived, he is with his assistant(I think). He open the door and let me in. I have been visit this acupuncture once, but now this one look not familiar to me. He asked for what sickness and I told him the story. He started to do the treatment. About 20~30 minutes treatment, he wrote down my information. Gave the treatment sheet to his assistant to go down stair to get my medicine. I thought I have to pay the doctor fee first, he just told me to follow this assistant. So the two medicine cost RM$51.00. So it should included the treatment fee.

I reload Sim family Malaysia line, I reloaded RM$5.00 only which last until 7 days.
I have to go to Miri for another 3 days for the whole course. I agreed with that. The acupuncture gave me his mobile number and asked me to give him a call before arrival.

So I just do windows around and bought some stuffs for the office and for my self.
Went to Boulevoud to some shopping. I want to checked the Digital Camera's price, went several floor on computer shops did not found what I wanted. So back to the ground floor, then I found what I wanted. Firstly I saw the Olympus with 10 Mega Pixels, price RM$1599.88, then I found the Canon Ixus 860, cost RM$1499.88, they have the latest model Canon Ixus 960 IS which cost RM$1699.88. The main different is the LCD screen. 860 is 3" and 960 is 2.5. So I select 860.

Another thing, I found I may lost B$44.00 because Brunei lowest price Canon 860 IS only sold at B$628.00 which mine one was cost B$672.00. So still have to compare the price first before buy anything but the thing is if I want a DC which I can get it right now rather went up to BSB to get it, so the choice is there. Another thing is I don't know got the stock or not and they will charge 3% if I use credit card to pay. So have to pay some extra to get what I wanted by NOW!

My requirement is the DC have to use SD memory card as I got too many this type of memory card.

Oh yes, why I want to buy a new DC?
Reason is easy as my Pentax is malfunction last night. Strange thing is the problem just like my first DC Canon ixus, line between the photos, I will show it to you when I got the photos.

After bought this DC then I have to rush back to fetch the children.
Time just right for me to fetch them.

Add LiveEarth widget

Add LiveEarth widget on this blog.
Take some care for our home - Earth.
You can read the related information on:


Friday, February 15, 2008

Testing webshot photo

Italin garden


photo from

Planet router problem

1WU:3:27 2WU:3:52 LNNQG

Wakeup a bit earlier today and just switch on my PC.
I found my Planet router got some problem which cannot power on, it have to wait for about 5~10 minutes then it can be power on. Very strange device, but it will on and working fine. So I have to wait every time I switch on it. By no wasting time, I starting to clear something on this computer room. Too messy for this room, no one care, but the kid will rearrange something sometime if they got mood.

Finally the router on, then I starting my internet surfing.
Checked my email regularly and found my webshot photos have 80 viewing this week, so I decided to upload some of my photos, especially photos taken during CNY for this year. I uploaded 12 photos only.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine Day!

Happy Valentine Day but I still single, ha ha.

The above image source from:

Three open house invitation tonight

I have been invited for three place for CNY gathering dinner tonight.
First invitation is from Dharma brother Kok Ming, second invitation is from my yongest brother who arrange a CNY dinner tonight at his own house. Third invitation is from my brother in law who invite QiGong teacher and assistent to his house for CNY dinner gathering.

What I select is the first one, the Dharma brother invitation as he was the first one who invite me.

Sorry for the rest of the invitation.
This year really a "eating" year for me, keep eating and eating before CNY.
Good for me, not sure about it, I am welcome by someone, good feeling. I have to take care of my body weight. Like yesterday, I thought I can be a vegetarian. Got my oz for my breakfast, a mix vegetable rice for lunch then "Lui Cha" is full vegetable dish, but after I was back home. My nehpew invite his collegue came for open house. He bought four pizza, fly prown and chicken. Wow, pizza is my favorite food, I have to eat two slice to fulfill my greedy eating mood.

Good to have food to eat. I really appeciated that.


今天早上一點多起來, 就不能再好好的再睡下去.
我知道當我決定要去台灣時, 我就要消消我的業障.
但希望這一次能輕一些. 快一些. 不要拖太久才好.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tonight trivia stuffs

QG:1~5 SMQG:15:00

7:00pm back from younger's brother house. My mum and I finished and "Lui Cha" dish and went back home.

Checked my email. Surf internet to forum, post some message.
Listening Kenny G music and do my surfing, posting.
Read TBS newspaper, send some emails.
Finished watching online "I am legend" part C. Not intend to watch the last part.
May be tomorrow night I will finished watching this good movie.
Oh, I did watched lot of movie on DVD, two days can watch 5 movies, bought B$1.50 for 5 old DVD movies. I like drama films anyway. I don't mind it's old movies.

I also checked my younger's brother's brother in law PC which infected with virus. Then the PC cannot detect the USB wifi adaptor.The virus even can block me to run the regedit command.I found the PC without any antivirus program although this
PC did not surf to the net.Now the virus is getting smart, we really have to beawre of it.

I suggested the user the PC need to reformat.
He will send the PC to the pc shop for repair.

Some daily trivia stuffs

1WU:4:34 2WU:5:35 NQGLN

Did not went to QiGong practice last night as I wait until 7:30pm, then I knew Feng teacher will not came again. So I can do my own stuff for tonight.

I put the Seiketsu electric cooker which need repair to my car, this is the third time for repairing.

Checked my email again. Went to facebook, update my profile photo which taken by Pauline, my niece . Burned YYT for Teck Ming who request for the file for sometime already.

Chatted with Australia newphew who just fly on 11th. We chatted until 10:30pm, time for me to sleep. So shutdown PC went to sleep.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Eating" Year?

I got lot of CNY dinner gathering within this week,
Starting from Wednesday night, I will go to my younger brother's house to have a "human being"'s day eating, the food is special make for this day. Name of the food is "Lui Cha", a kind of various vegetable with the special bitter soup. Very nice dish which I like very much.

Thursday is another "Lui Cha" dish again at Dharma brother's house.
Friday will invited by QiGong's student.
Saturday is my younger brother's house open house.
Sunday will be my elder sister's house open house for QiGong students and my brother in law's friend.

Lot of eating then I have to be aware of what I eat, cannot eat too much.
This year is a "eating" year for me, starting from CNY eve.
Too much eating then how can I keep fit?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to pratice after CNY 2008 holiday

I was back from QiGong practice, about 20 members came tonight.

Tonight was the first night practice after 4 days of Chinese New Year 2008. We just off for one week only.Tonight only one teacher, that me to lead all the QiGong students.

Doing the routine, 5 routine and do the Stand Meditation. New students was lead by one of the QiGong student, ah Dek. Finished all the practice around 8:45pm.

Too long for not writing anything

Too long for not writing anything here.
Too lazy to write anything for the past few weeks.
I still have something to write, so write today.

4 days of Chinese New Year holiday pass very fast, just like I knew everyday will pass fast.
I really cannot felt this CNY feeling, do not know why.
Still buy new shirt, listening the CNY songs, waiting for this CNY to arrive.

I slept at 11:00pm on the CNY eve. Waked up by the fire crackers sound, like previous years.
This year cause the fire craker was licensed, so more fire works and fire crackers. We just not need to burn any fire cracker or fire works ourselves. My sister and I just watching the serrounding fire work and listening the fire cracker everywhere for more than half an hour starting before 12:00 mid night.

I went back to sleep at 12:40pm. Wake up at around 8:00am in the first day of CNY.

Oh, I also did went to Miri with my sisters and brothers on 5th of February. Miri have more CNY atmosphere anyway. Photo show the CNY decoration.

Will post some photos when I am free.
I already posted all 2008 CNY photos to my facebook.
If you have facebook and already add me as a friend, then you can have a view.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mcafee antivirus cause problem

Mcafee antivirus will make your PC cannot install anything if the software setting is setting wrongly.

The story starting my nephew bought a Dell PC from a local store called KK Chan.

He compared and print the Desktop PC he wanted and send the info to the store. The store give him the same price as Dell offer.

PC came at around 10 days. The first faulty is the DVD writer jamped. Secondly my nephew found cannot intalled any software. Called them and the store guy insist to send the PC over instant of they came to his house.

So he sent the PC for second time and he kept chasing for his PC for about 10 days. The store guy told him that Dell did not support for software problem instead of hardware problem, what the poor support.

Finally software can be installed and he took back his PC.

Then he tried to install the small piece of software for the sound system, error writing. Same problem again when the time he sent his PC. He is so angry for that. I told him to full test for this new toy and give full report to the pc guy.

Then his sister notebook also got some OS problem, send to KB Sonicom to repair. Then the pc technician told him that error message while installing software was cause my the Mcafee antivirus. So when the time he back home, he uninstalled the software and finally all problem solved. Then he told me he managed to find what wrong for the option setting. He have to uncheck the write access on Macfee antivirus.

What a poor KK Chan pc guy and what a poor support. The deskotp is nothing wrong just the small option setting.

Friday, February 08, 2008

George Carlin on age

Got this email from friend, good article, just sharing.

Source: Email

George Carlin on age.
(Absolutely Brilliant)


George Carlin's Views on Aging

Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.

'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key

You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.

'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . . You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!!

But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?

You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.

But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would!

So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.

You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!
You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'

Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'
May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge .

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10.Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.

And if you don't send this to at least 8 people - who cares? But do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day!!