Thursday, June 22, 2006

Get to know more about

I did registered this for sometime.
Getting in to create some web page for my own good.
Trying to find where is, the result I found only in Chinese version:

Sure that I can get the Information in Chinese, but NOT in English.
It gave me some idea to create English version.
So I started to create web pages for
Registered is NOT belong and represence to the right one.

I scanned all the info that seiketsu upline gave me. Starting to create.
Use publisher? Use html? Use Frontpage? User Microsoft latest web page creator?
I am not sure.

So I manage to create SOME webpages, but it was not complated.
The version you view now is only the rought/draft version.
When the complated version will be upload?
I don't know, have to wait until 2nd of July.
I will be a bit busy these day.
I am out at least once weekely.
Cannot fully concentrated on one
Sure that the web page is there and will be updated ASAP.

That day my upline asked me to get more info on the
I mention I will go to quick walk or swimming.
That day I went to swimming actually.
1 and half hour swimming and floating.

The complete version of will be release, but NOT now.
Please don't chase me. I will do it.

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