Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Condition not so good

1WU:10:00 2WU:4:44

I was sleep very earlier last night at around 7:30 something. A bit tired or may be the cough medicine made me dizzy and felt have to go sleep.

I knew Hock and PYing them back from JP. I felt asleep so didn't wake up to ask for the information.

This morning at 2:30am JP will called and told the family that his condition going to critical again. Not so good. Have to do the kidney "cleaning", have to give more heavy medicine. Still need the machine to control and monitoring his breathing, blood pressure and heart beat.

Sent sms to my sister in HK and asked her to read my email I sent to her as sms cannot write too many information.

I prayed again on this morning Dharma practice by the time I still didn't know the bad news.
I have to prayed again. Hope he is getting better after the kidney "cleaning". Hope everything will be good...

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