Friday, April 20, 2007

Greedy user

WU:6:00 QG:1,2,5

I have joined too many member on the net.
From the most earlier joined: for creating my personal page, then come to blog writing. I think I have more than 10 blog members: tripod blog x 2, Yahoo 360 x 2, msn space, my space, Taiwan blog, China blog x 2, Yahoo Taiwan 360, wordpress, Brunet wordpress, Xanga... and some I may forget.

Joined most famous internet web, like friendster, tagged, webshot, flikr, youtube, my photo ablum, Kodak photo album, fileden, photobucket, Zebo, namedatabase, and many others I may forgot.

I found I spent too many times on these web pages and have to delete the emails which almost become spam already. So I tried to unsubscribe some.
I just want to become a less greedy user.

Human beings just greedy to have some FREE stuff, but never think about time is consuming to go to read these web pages which may be important. It just showing, if someone have, I also want to have. Too greedy! I think I have to think twice to join anymore...

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