Friday, October 31, 2008


不動明王 - I like this photo as he is my protector!


namo shan ma duo wa ji la hang





1WU:5:12 2WU:5:44 LNQG:1~5 + M MQG:1~5

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meet new friend

1WU:5:25 2WU:5:55 LMQG:1~5

Meet another D brother in facebook.
He is from Perth Australia. Good feeling to meet friend all over the world.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free music donwload?

Found this web site accidently, but not sure how good it is.
It claim free music download.

The web site it:

Meet new friend in Facebook

1WU:4:38 2WU:5:42

Meet Augusine Hii in Facebook.
I also not sure how I meet him and add him in my Facebook.
I like to meet lot of friends in this world, and I think mainly he is from Seria, so I added him.

Like to talk and get to know more about him.
I like to have many friend's feeling.

Monday, October 27, 2008


1WU:4:12 2WU:5:46 QG:1,2,5 clouded

Source: Email forwarded


蕃茄咖哩、烏賊咖哩、印度咖哩、日式咖哩、洋蔥咖哩等,街上新開了許多咖哩餐飲店。即使不是專賣咖哩,其他餐飲店也不希望在這波咖哩熱中缺席,知名的甜甜圈 專賣店,發明咖哩口味甜甜圈給客人嚐鮮;便利超商提供咖哩飯、藍帶咖哩三明治等熟食供消費者選擇;火鍋店也有提供咖哩湯頭;便當店也跟著趕時髦,門口特別 標示「咖哩飯」……似乎只要在食物裡加點咖哩,就容易得到消費者的青睞。





現 在醫學界也針對「咖哩可否減少癌症」作了許多研究,其中咖哩可預防癌症的研究較多,而咖哩會致癌的研究相對少很多。陳惠文分析:「癌症是不正常細胞過度增 生,薑黃素本身就可以抑制不正常細胞過度增生;第二,薑黃素可減少癌症轉移的機會;第三,在癌症標靶療法上,薑黃素會抑制癌細胞特別的一些酵素,這些酵素 會造成細胞的增生和轉移。」


如果用在預防癌症方面,劑量就比較高。美國癌症醫學中心就有專家建議,「給癌症病人一天吃5~7克 的薑黃素」(在美國一般超市可買到顆粒狀的萃取薑黃素),效果還沒有明確結論,不過,根據台大醫院先前所做的第一期臨床試驗發現,就算連續幾個月吃這麼 多,也還沒出現明顯的副作用,陳惠文表示:「目前為止,還沒有『吃太多薑黃素不好』的報導,不過,還是提醒大家『再好的東西』,吃過量都是不好的。」

不愛咖哩味 可改吃什麼來防癌?

搭配哪些食材 營養價值更高
如果沒有以上問題,多數人都可安心享受美味咖哩料理,為了讓咖哩具備更多健康食物的條件,薛安栗建議:「搭配抗氧化的食材更好,像是花椰菜、胡蘿蔔、洋蔥、 蕃茄等,既美味又健康。」如果以主食類來說,「加點牛肉,含鐵量高,抗氧化功能較好;如果擔心膽固醇問題,那就選擇雞肉和海鮮。」

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Source: Forwarded Email:

在美國的加州有一個小女孩大約是4 歲
一天,小女孩拿著硬物在他父親的卡車鈑金上劃下了無數的刮痕 !!
然後吊著小女孩的手,讓她站在車庫罰! 站
當父親想起小女兒在車庫罰站時,已經是 4個小時過後了!
父親送她到急診室時,已經需要截去小女孩的手掌了 !
因為,手掌部分的組織已! 經都壞死,如不截去手掌 ...
她生命是非常危險,甚至可能會危害到小女孩的生命 ...
所以小女孩就這樣失去了她的一雙手掌了 !
但是她不懂 .....她不懂到底是發生了什麼事在她的身上 ....
而她的父親也因為這樣感到萬分的愧疚 !
{Daddy,your truck looking so pretty, same like new truck.}
<<爸爸! 你的卡車好漂亮唷!看起來就像是新卡車>>
{but, when you want put my hand back to me??}
<<但是你什麼時候要把我的手還給我?? >>
你們知道當那位父親聽到小女孩問他的問題時,發生了什麼事嗎 ?
那位父親在小女孩的面前 ..... 舉槍自殺...
很多人分不清 .....到底什麼是重要的?
只會無知迷失在自我的喜好當中 ...
就如有些人會去 慈濟幫忙掃街,但家事從來不管...
有些人在外面和言悅色,但對自己的卻家人暴躁如雷 ...
而遺憾的事.....世間到處充滿了這些事 ...


Source: Forwareded Email:

沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人
付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底
保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞
通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人
有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重
冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具
如果我們之間有 1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步
我就會朝你的方向走其餘的 999 步
為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人
為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友
為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人
就算是 believe 中間也藏了一個 lie
真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題
而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬
朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, feeling good!

1WU:3:48 2WU"5:45

Wakeup early as usual. Doing my daily Dharma practice. May be yesterday's Miri trip causing too tired, so I went to sleep at around 9:30pm last night.

Yes, I went to Miri for seeking the acupuncture again. Same price RM$15.00 with the same medicine I use to take every time; one bottle of medicine to clear out my body heat and after this bottle of medicine then eat the tablet medicine, always three day medicines.

Back to Mumong, Kuala Belait around 6:30pm, felt so tired and hungry.
Went to bath and have my heavy dinner; I did not have this type of eating style for quite some time. Ate too much if I am too hungry. Cannot control myself. Usually I ate 70%~80% full, but yesterday I think I ate 100% full, it's really not too healthy to me.

Today is Saturday and I am feeling good, although I still wake up earlier as usual.
Still a bit headache but may be it's a not working day, so feeling good.
Will meet Qing later and will back to home at around 11:30pm as plan.

This morning also found a good online translation web site. This one is from I think I knew where this Google is getting better and better as, as they hearing from their clients. I also keep a eye on this company and found it really "keep improve" company. I use lot of Googles's products like Gmail, Bloggers and now it's online translation page. I like it and will throw away Yahoo online translation which I use it quite long time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Beware Of Paper On The Back Window Of Your Vehicle

1WU:5:43 LNQG:1~5 + M TMQG:1,2,3,5

Source: from forwarded email:
Warning....!!!!Just last weekend on Friday night we parked in a public parking area. As we drove away I noticed a sticker on the rear window of the car.

When I took it off after I got home, it was a receipt for gas. Luckily my friend told me not to stop as it could be someone waiting for me to get out of the car.


Please, keep this circulating... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse. When you look into the rear view mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window.

So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is)that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off.

They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car. So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!

BEWARE OF THIS NEW SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED. If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this e-mail. I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of; personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands. Please keep this going.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Online translation Gadget

Add Google Translate Gadget on this blog.
Find this online translating tool for long time already.
The html Java code can be found at

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reincarnation - we will rebirth again?

1WU:5:45 LNQG:1~5 + T:1,2

Today no QiGong class, so felt a bit relax after work.
Raining in the afternoon and I like raining day, but not at working hour. I like raining at night. I like the feeling, do not know why I like raining at night. May be it's a last life memory causing.

Regarding the last life. I believed it. As sometime when we meet someone, our feeling is different. Sometime you will like this man or women, and sometime you will dislike this man or women without any reason.

Last life can explain lot of things that we cannot expected. Like some case why a father dislike his son without reason, every time he saw his son, will angry and scold him with a minor mistake. For the rest of the brothers and sister, this father's action will not like that. So this can recall to this relation to last life reincarnation. So I believed the theory of reincarnation.

As this reincarnation can explain why you love this man/women and married with him/her.
I seem lot of the example around. There is proof of reincarnation of some books I read. I tried to find reincarnation on the net, there is 20,700,000 results. So I think more and more people believed reincarnation.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No Seat for SIA

LNQG:1~5 M TMQG:1,2,5 WU:6:00

Found thre is no more seats for SIA on date: 12nd to 15th December, 2008. It is a special day for Brunei Student.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Birthday Photos

My Birthday Cake
Other photos can view at:
My Birthday Photos

My birthday today

Still wake up very early in the morning. Raining day, not heavy rain.

Still doing my daily Dharma practice and QG practice for 4 routine.

Will go to meet and have breakfast with Dharma brothers and sister in Seria later.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday today

Birthday today and felt very busy as so many things have to do, so not related with my birthday but some related.

Only invited 3 Dharma brothers and one sister came for my birthday.
Do the cultivation in the earlier morning for this birthday especially praying for my mum as Buddhist's thought is birthday is "Mother's disaster" day as it was the most dangerous day for a mother.

I will tried to post some photos and video(taken by my niece) when I am free by tomorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2008

No electricity last night

I just back from QiGong practice and not yet shower, try to arrange the visa form for QiGong students who will go to KL on 13th for upgrading, there was no light at all, black out in the sudden.

So first thing I have to find is my switched off mobile which I switched it off when back from QiGong practiced, as I do not want anyone to disturbed me when I going to sleep.

So after I found my mobile, switch it on and came out from my room. The family seem not so scared but even the street light were all off.

SPY called King and asking for the electricity status and she mention there is NO light at all. So luckily we have the torch. Have to find the candles and lighter. After done all these things, it's almost 9:40pm, then Shao have to wait for his second son back from the Karate. He was backed and mention he will drove back to Seria and may come back if there was electricity again.

I felt a bit tired and did not sleep very well last night, but still went to take my shower. After the shower, I felt really tired and went to sleep. It was a good sleep anyway although I wake up at around 5:25pm, it was consider a good sleep to me.

What a black out night!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How safe is our plastic bottle?

I asked this question myself, and also ask the internet in, but the answer is NOT 100% sure how safe is our plastic bottle. The answer still got dispute. So here the result I found in

I think there is lot of argument for this topics.

The reason why I concern is we all use plastic bottle daily, especially the reuse of plastic water.

I received a forwarded email said that DO NOT use plastic bottle at all. So can I reuse my plastic bottle, the answer is : I don't know. Depend how you believe the information they given.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I like dawn photo

I like to watch the beautiful scenery daily, epecially the cloud. It keeps changing every second every days. The changing sometime make me so exited that I have to take the photos.

So this is one of the photo I took that day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

1WU:6:30am QG:1~5

Felt quite exited and happy yesterday as doing some Dharma practice.
Very good feeling after listening the Dharma talk. Especially interaction with Dharma brothers and sisters.

I think I more like "mind" 心靈matter, not material's stuff. I consider money is a way of life, and money is neutral stuff. If you use in the good way, then it can help lot of human beings, if not, you can see the newspaper money related crimes is all around.

I think cultivation is very important to me although I did not do the cultivation daily recently as I just moved. I hope I can find a very good way to get back all my cultivation action. I have to pray a lot and chanting a lot too in order to recall back all my daily cultivation.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How true it is?

Source: Email

This is amazing tree named "Nareepol" in Thai. Naree means "girl/woman" and pol means plant/tree or "buah" in Malay. It means women tree. It is amazing what God create the World in many forms that amused human beings...

You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.

You guys should see this...

You can see the real tree at Petchaboon province about almost 500 kms away from Bangkok.

My friendster blog

Did not surf to friendster for so long.
Today login is for a niece who will birthday on coming 12 Oct, 2008.
Just login and exploring to see where there is any news features.

Just found their blog is related with, good feature anyway as I also have a blog in wordpress anyway.

My blog in friendster.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Espeed slow again?

Last night did not went QiGong class as some activities I have to attend.
SMS to Wong but he did not reply anything, just wonder DST sms system is delayed again or not.
Although there is several mobile provider, but I think they have the competitive but after awhile, they stop the racing. Price drop was the BIG change I think, but I hope the main thing is not ONLY the price dropped. I really hope their servicing is getting better and better.

The first good impression I got is Espeed is getting real 512 Kbps which is matching what we subscribed, not like previouly is only have 248 Kbps or 321 Kbps, never go up to 512 Kbps, sometime I even checked and found that their speed is a bit over 512 Kbps. That's really good improvement. The sad thing is I still always heard the complain of their speed. My Dharma sister mention why their dial up still very slow, I mention to her, it cannot compare with 512 Kbps speed, but she mention the dial up speed sometime is slower than normally surfing. Anothing thing is my office kids also complain why yesterday surfing and online gaming is so slow, although reset the modem, still the same problem.

I am not sure it was cuase by the online gaming server or not, but what I surf in the morning, is still okay.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Seiketsu Demo

My Seiketsu upline Yin came with KL demo person came to my new home for the demo.
This time mainly on Seiketsu cooking demo.
She really have the very good experience of introduce the product, I like the way she presenting.

I just listened carefully what she said and forgot to take any of the photos, so mean that her introduction is very attracting me.

I also got surprised my niece also get attraction with her talk and decisided to buy one of the product. I think mainly is for her mum. Actually I also like Seiketsu products but I have to select the one just right to me.

You can surf to Seiketsu their official web site to have a look of their various products.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Toolbar error

1WU:5:17 2WU:6:17 QG:1~5 LNQG:1~5

Found the following error message while I want to install the Yahoo toolbar and Google toolbar in FireFox broswer.

Strange that both Yahoo toolbar and Google toolbar got the almost same error message. Both of them cannot be installed. I think I have to clear out all the temp files and try it again.

Monday, October 06, 2008

New born baby

This morning got a good message from Qing, her daughter finally got a new born baby boy.
Not really waiting for this good news, but still got good feeling when got this news.
Don't know when I can see this new born baby, hope will be soon.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

乾洗會傷害身體 Dry Cleaning is bad for Health

Source: Email
Related website(in Chinese): 乾洗劑─高氯酸乙烯和甲醛
乾洗會傷害身體 Dry Cleaning is bad for Health

我跟我先生之前在洗衣工廠工作,他會接觸到乾洗劑,結果做快一年身體變得很虛弱 (變成奧少年),檢查的結果是肝臟有問題離職後調養了好幾年,才慢慢好起來。

他的結論是:沒事衣物不要送乾洗,用水手洗最乾淨 ....



法國 2歲男童夢中窒息喪命 床單窗簾乾洗溶劑惹禍!


在法國一位 2 歲男童,因為家長將床單、窗簾等等全部送乾洗,上頭還殘留有毒的乾洗有機溶劑,導致小男童在睡夢中窒息送命,是全球罕見的致死案例!


衣服送乾洗後,上頭一定會有股化學味道,相信很多民眾都很熟悉,只是沒想到洗得乾乾淨淨的衣物,上面殘留的氣味卻成了殺人兇手,在法國就奪走一位 2歲男童的性命。

元兇就是致命的乾洗劑、四氯乙烯,而這種乾洗劑在國內還有 1百多家店正在使用。


怎麼知道自己是不是置身於致命環境中,林杰樑表示,其實只要聞得到化學氣味,就代表濃度已經超過100PPM,絕對不能逗留超過 15 分鐘。


Today felt not like Saturday

1WU:6:17 2WU:6:36 QG:1~5

Today felt not like Saturday as I have several holiday.
Yesterday Miri trip felt a bit tired but bought lot of necessary stuffs for family and for myself. Very satisfactorily trip.

Today got no much plan to go anywhere. May be it's time for me to do a real rest for today. Read some books and watch the unfinished HK drama series. May be go to visit friend, still got no any plan yet.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Go to Miri today

1WU:6:15 QG:1~5

Suppose the drive should come earlier at 7:00pm but he mention the alarm was no ringing him up.

So We have to wait until 8:50am. There was not so long queue at Brunei and Miri custom(but what I heard there was long queue at around 10:00am, we are lucky anyway).

First thing in Miri was the breakfast although it was a bit late. 4 person contributed RM$15.00 for our breakfast, just enough for 5 of us. Tim Sum was the main course. I also ordered noodle. (The photo showed the Tim Sam we ordered and the driver. )

Shopping took several hours. Spy, Lo and me have to watch the movie "Stranger" as the driver and his GF will have their facial treatment for two hours.

"Stranger" this movie was not so nice film anyway, not worth to watch as I don't like the very simple stories although it was a bit scary. I will give only Grade D!

Back from Miri at 8:30pm.
Buy Shoe, Queen bed sheet, book etc. Spent about few hundread RM$.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

First day of Hari Raya, doing trivia stuffs

1WU:5:17 2WU:5:38 3WU:6:03 QG:1~5

First day of Hari Raya, no planning to go anywhere.

Still surfing to the net in the morning after QiGong practice. Checking and doing my finance transaction at my Quite sometime did not update my expenses. Checking my bank balance online and found this month spent quite a lot.

New bed, new mattress for new room is the most expensive expense for this month.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

No working today

When I arrived office this morning and found no one is working. Today should be a working day but no one appeared. Never mind, may be they will arrived a bit late.

So I switched on my two PCs and starting to begin my work.
I switched on the new Hi-Fi system and tried to do the preset of the radio station, read the manual and finally done several preset radio stations.

Make a coffee for myself and surf to the net.
Still no one appear, so I tried to call my boss.
My boss mention she did not informed me today is off day although today suppose to be a working day.

So felt free and called Xing. Then I closed the office and to went to Seria to check the TV LCD price with Xing.

The shop owner told us our chapter's notebook only can use the normal vga output which may cause the display a bit blur, but he did not have the vga cable so cannot test. Have to wait until tonight see whether can get the cable from his brother.

Hari Raya Eve

1WU:3:02 2WU:528 3WU:6:10

Today suppose is a Muslim Hari Raya but they did not manage to view the "new moon" so their Hari Raya will fall on tomorrow; mean that the two days holiday starting by tomorrow.

No much plan for this two days holiday, but already promise Dharma brother to check the price of the LCD or Plasma TV at Seria.

Yersterday there was crownded of people queue up at petrol station, luckily I did not on that queue although I planned to fill up my fuel too. Today should be a good time for me to fill up my half tank fuel.

Just link a Hari Raya photo from someone else, hope he don't mind.
I also wish all the best to all or world Muslim " Selamat Hari Raya"