Thursday, November 29, 2007


1WU:5:32 2WU:6:14 LEQG:1~5

安和龍的晚餐是Mee Goreng 加下午的午餐肉和蛋.
她呀,有煮給她自己和我的. 清湯菜加魚丸和肉丸, 另有一道少量雞酒.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Source: Email













Do my visa

1WU:4:47 2WU:5:25 3WU:5:45

Monday have to send my CI to do the visa

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Some Pipe works

Raining Sunday

1WU:4:34 2WU:5:45 3WU:6:04 QG:1~5 NMQG

Raining Sunday.
No planning for today.
Mum still request me to buy breakfast for her, I still keep quiet.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday working

1WU:4:23 2WU:5:32 3WU:6:12 QG:1~5 LEQG:1~5

Thought can have the free Saturday.
No, have to go to office today.
Haven't got my breakfast yet as my Saturday breakfast always late until I felt hungry.

I have to rush for my breakfast.
Hope I can arrive office on time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


1WU:5:53 LNQG:1~5 x 2 NOMG as rain

今天下午她和阿姨哭訴.說詞就和上一次和你說的差不多. 說到淚流滿面, 說到她有多悽慘就有多悽慘. 哭到阿姨會打電話問麗到底發生甚麼事? 家中沒有人了. 不是正如她所想要的嗎?

安也怕了她. 因為那天她叫安不要走. 要安看著那工程做好.
那天只是回家來要去學校. 他對我說他去了學校不回. 會直接到朋友家去.

當我回家時, 如果沒有麗接到那個哭訴電話, 會發現什麼事都沒有.
當晚她沒有煮. 我還好有麗給我cheese蛋糕. 吃下超過半個, 其他的就是穎和安的甜品了.

昨晚嫂有回來睡. 早上還是被唱: "阿mei, 回來了呀?"
之前還在我剛睡醒去廁所時, 抓緊時間和我說:"打包給我吃呀"

今晚她有煮, 還特地會叫我吃. 我總是說:"我等一下吃".

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

她在我修法的時候, 開門進來

她在我自己房間修法的時候, 開門進來.
掀起我修法壇城的布帘. 對我說; '跟我打包呀'
我沒回答她. 因為我還在持著昨咒哩. 那裡可能理她.

修完法後看我沒行動, 我又看見她已準備了要蒸番薯.

是不是我吃了她餘下的晚餐, 就要和她買個早餐?
有點奇怪的想法. 就是在那一剎那間修法.

不計較 與不比較



每個人一生中都要信兩種教 ,

你 知道是什麼教嗎....? 當然不是睡覺 .....^.^

是 不計較 與不比較 .....


到最後就演變成為了滿足自己的慾望而去傷害別人 ...



因此我們做人要謙虛,要知足,更要惜福 ....






這樣永遠都不會成功,永遠都不會滿足,也永遠都不會快樂 ....


這不是要你因此不求上進喔 ..... ,是要你懂得謙虛 ..


去包容每一個人,從家人,朋友,甚至陌生人 ....

也許我解釋得不是很好,但我體會很深 ...

如果每個人都能有所體悟,都能放寬心,相信都會過得很快樂 ....

because.......... 知足常樂!

在星期一開始時 , 我的這封信告訴你,

這個禮拜會不一樣 .

好的開始就是成功的一半 .^.^

祝 你 天 天 快 樂

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lost my eyeglasses today!

After I have done vacuum cleaning for my car in the noon time. As it cause sweating(冒汗) then I had to put my eyeglasses on the top of my car.

After finished car cleaning, I forgot to wear back my eyeglasses(眼鏡).

It was first time for me to do the car cleaning for the last 7 months. My office car is too tidy as I think the dirt kept coming in and I really lazy to do any cleaning.

Today is prompted by a sudden impulse(心血來潮) to do this job.

I just went up to upstairs to do my Internet surfing. Then my nephew came in asking me to lend him my car.

After 20 minutes then I realize that my eyeglasses is on top of my car.
Everything seem to late for me to found this fact.
Mood just dropping to the bad. Like the Chinese idioms said: "The mood falls into the valley" (心情跌入谷底)

Then I tried to analyse why this will happen.
Am I a careless person? Am I a forgotten peson? I think the main problem is I just forgot to wear back my eyeglasss. That all! No other reason to loss a precious along with stuff!

Today I got a dinner. After cool down then I have to find my old eyeglasses for tonight!





今天福家正式搬. Wx 馬來奕半路.想是她岳母家附近吧.



Busy weekend

Photoed show the entrance of ICC(International Convention Centre)

Today will be a bit busy.
SMS to Xing after mum asked me to buy breakfast for her in the earlier morning.
He did not reply.

Geak sms me too for some office stuffs.
I replied back for my schedule today and she called me back and tried to solve all the problems.

Will go to workshop for my car meter board replace, cost B$150.00 but I just wonder it is the correct price. Hope the workshop man will not increase the cost.

Went up to BSB yesterday around 3:30pm to attend CHSchool talk, but found no one there. Decided go to CIC for the health Expo. We are a bit late for the show as they will closed at 6:00pm. We arrived there 5:00pm.

Exploring some of the booths and my niece found something interesting.
We heard some health products and what I found most of the exhibitors is from South East Asia, only one China product if I am not wrong, but no one on that booth. May be it's time their booth closed.

My niece called her friends and we have dinner at Royal Brunei Golf Club. Cost about B$6.00 each person.

Back to Seria at 8:03pm.
Shower and went to chapter for discussion until 9:58pm.
Felt tired but still checked my emails until 10:34pm.
What a day!

Arrived workshop at 8:22am, asked the man to repair my meter board, he opened the meter board and replace my owed one which is white meter board. He tested the meter and it was the same problem, main dashboard meter not working. So he asked the bass. The boss told him that it could be the meter sensor problem.

So he had to opened the meter sensor from the crashed car and replace mine. This time it was okay. Just only this very small piece of sensor causing it was not working for years. He repaired man found that one of the plug was broken. 3 pins only left 2 pins.

It took about one hour to finished this job.
I left the workshop at 9:32am and and continue my today office work.

Xing sms me at 9:02am, I was stuck at workshop that time. I called he after the work done. He told me he did not noticed my sms and going to leave.

So I did not meet him.

Went to do get car fuel and called Miri doctor. He was not in.
I booked on next Saturday around 10:00am.

Friday, November 16, 2007

CCleaner got a update

1WU:4:30 2WU:5:40

CCleaner got a update. The version Although it seem that this small pic of free softwares not better than the CleanUp! but I still downloaded this free new version.

Installed it and run it. It still cleaning some files, but I think as my using IE and firefox browsing somthing. Cleaning temp files only.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

1 clikc dvd copy

My Dharma brother introduce me a good tool for DVD burning software.The name of the software called: 1 click dvd copy, it's from LG Korea!

So I tried to downloaded it and tried it last night, cannot wait to check it work or not.The first copy of DVD is burn successfully . I checked in the morning and found it finished copy after I just click "start". So I tried to do the second copy this morning. It just stop at 27% and seem hanged there. I just wait impatiently, so I think I will tried to stop it and try another copy again when I back to work by today!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Add new domain

Add new domain name for this blog as I read a article regarding is the most riskiest country-level domain in the world. Today finally tested okay.

Dot TK cleans up Tokelau’s web domain <- This article seem a bit negative for this free domain.

What I found another article which more positive:

Dot TK Reaches Out to Open-Source Community

Just depend how we think, right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


1WU:5:24 2WU:6:01 LNQG:1~5 MQG:17m

I used to exploring almost everyday these days.


Tea break with SLian, Soo, Cally and me. Chatted for one and a half.
We chatted everything, from Dharma sister, the Guru, newspaper press and life.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Learn something

1WU:5:24 2WU:6:01

Learn something from the web for our life:

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You willhave your heart broken probably more than oce and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt whenyours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sicty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Don't be afraid that youf life will end, be afraid that it will never again.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Life

1WU:5:24 2WU:6:14 QG:1~5 MQG:15

After practice my routine for today. Got TCai SMS calling me to have breakfast but he did not told me where and when. Reply him back and he still did not give me where, just when only.

So today may be have a long breakfast time. This is also a routine for our close friends gathering time. Just do not know today gathering place only.

We can have our breakfast for more than 3 hours until noon time, pass the lunch time but usually did not have lunch and back home, sometime will continue to another place to have our lunch. Depend that days everyone is free or not.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Family gathering

Having the family gathering when my brother told me to go to my sister's house tonight.

We have the steam boat dinner. I ate not so many as I ate a bit at home. I have to ate my mum's cooked dinner.

My sister always prepared lot of foods for steam boat.

Dinner end around 8:15pm. We enjoyed the food and we chatted happily.

We did have this kind of family gathering once in a while.

Saturday life

1WU:4:46 2WU:6:14

Did not sleep again when wake up at 6:00am something.
Doing my daily Dharma practice. Then doing my daily email checking. Adding some new contact on msn, for Germany friend Sven, for Dharma brother and sister at Canada and Singapore.

Met Sven after I added him. Chat with him and his time was mid-night.
As he will drove car to met grand father and mother(if I am not wrong), just we just chat a while only.

Uploaded some photos to photobucket and picasa.
Waiting for Dharma sister to call me who called me for breakfast on the last two week. She did not call today.

Having my very simple oat with some cookies breakfast.
Call TChai for lunch, he was busy with his customer, so have to wait for his call to confirm.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

CleanUp! got a update version

1WU:5:32 2WU:6:03

CleanUp! got a update version. Version 2.54.
Just follow the links:

CleanUp! Official web site

Good to have this tiny tools to clean up all our PC temp files, history and all kind of cookies.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Autumn Time


這幾天都沒有去練氣功. 和王老師請了一個星期假.
這此上師到, 很想去堂. 就和王老師請了一個星期假.
和這一位上師幾天, 感覺還不錯. 蠻隨和的.
雖然開示不是很精彩, 但有它的特色. 有自己個人的體會.