Saturday, April 06, 2013

Jesus & Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions -- Official Trailer

Three leading figures in today's Buddhist-Christian dialogue share their personal journeys in the new documentary Jesus and Buddha: Practicing Across Traditions. We learn how following the path of the Buddha has informed and deepened their understanding of who Jesus was and what he taught. Their experience and insight bring these two liberating archetypes alive in a way that can help guide us through our own confusion and struggle toward lives filled with joy and gratitude, compassion and service.
The film features: Father Robert Kennedy, a Jesuit priest and Zen teacher; Chung Hyun Kyung, Professor of Ecumenical Theology and Interfaith Engagement at Union Theological Seminary and a Buddhist Dharma teacher; and Paul Knitter, Professor of Theology, World Religions and Culture at Union Theological Seminary.

-- Every Buddhist center in the country should see this." -- Richard Fiske, Shambhala Mediation Center, White River Junction, VT

-- "I felt very affirmed as a Roman Catholic." -- Kathy Fiske, Artist

-- "It was a sensual feast for eyes, ears, and mind, and a privilege to be in the company of such wonderful teachers."--Denise Lyons, PhD., Organizational Psychologist

-- "Beautifully photographed and edited. And listening to them was like listening to music!" Joyce Dann, poet

Direct translate from Google translate:


- 在全國每一個佛教中心,應該看到這一點。“ - ​​理查德·費斯克香巴拉調解中心,白河交界處,VT
- “我覺得作為一個羅馬天主教的肯定。” - 凱西費斯克,藝術家
- “這是一個感性的眼睛,耳朵和心靈的盛宴,一種特權,是在公司這樣的好老師。” - 丹尼斯里昂,博士,組織心理學家
- “美麗的拍攝和編輯,聽他們喜歡聽音樂!”喬伊斯丹恩,詩人

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