Sunday, March 18, 2007

The blog links...

I just watching almost all my TV series on my computer today, since day to night until 8 something. Tired and stop my watching.

Then surf Internet to find some interesting stuff. Checked my emails, surf to my blog. Write something, editing template, nothing to add. Went to template tab, go to blogger help group, found some posting, just click one of the link, found the author travel to Singapore, checked the comment, then bring me to Singaporean blogger page, found the links game, so follow the step she provided .

Found this blog stuff link game...may be it really a game for me.

It was started by Mack Collier of The Viral Garden

Write a post, copy and paste the list from below into your entry. Make sure the links are active and correct. If your blog is already on that list, remove it because your post isn’t about self-promotion. Don’t worry, because if your name is on mine, it’s on others and will spread. Add your favourite deserving blogs to the top of the list (not compulsory). Publish the post. People will notice the incoming links, and hopefully write their own z-list posts.
The result will be that we all get more links pointing to our blogs, and more readers - and a higher Page Rank!
Key Points:
1) Create a new post on your blog.
2) Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
3) Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (Optional)
4) Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post.
5) Do not include your own blog links on the list in your post.
6) Make sure that all links are copied intact.
7) Publish the Post.

My add:

The link is:

Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim

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