Sunday, December 31, 2006

Waiting for countdown?

Now is 11:03 in Brunei time.
I don't kown whether I will wait until the new year is arrive.
As Brunei Government announce not celebrate this new year(may be my sentence got something wrong, the official news will be different writing and saying)cannot gather more than 10 person, so better stay at home.

Just stay at home and watch TV.
Then went into room to do so surfing.
Just read some forum and check emails.
Send some greeting card and hope the card is send by me as I found the e-card name is not me, never mind just sending 7 only, not much. Too tired to send to all the friends.

Just say HAPPY NRE YEAR 2007 on here!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The end of the year


Today is the end of the year 2006.
Wake up and called Xing called him today need to work or not. He plan go to KB for breakfast. Asked him to fetch me go. He agreed. His home telephone have some problem so I have to called him three time then confirmed.

Just waiting for him and write this blog for the end of the year 2006.
Goodbye to the end of this year 2006.
No much big incident happen, no much happen, no much sadness. Just calm year.

No much planning for year 2007. Just pray for it's arrival!

Holiday starting

Hey Holiday starting from today.
I have at least 3 days holiday, but didn't plan go to anywhere to clelebrate. May be stay in home watching TV is the best way to celebrate. May be will gathering with friend when I am free or they will find me to go out to have a drink.

Strange arrangement

YQG1,2,5 Y4:30 8:30

Strange arragement of my trip.
Yerterday call the person who arrange and ask confirm our trip starting date and ask for the dinner arrangement, he said all the person go will arrange for the dinner, good.

Then he mention I have to fax our travel document to the travel agent. So I called to the chapter to find the person who checking the money for checking our banked in money they received or not, she mention they have to wait quite severla day to process as I sent using Brunei Dollars. Then I ask for the travel agent telephone number, so she mention it was the travel agent person I knew.

So I quickly sms to the Vivian travel agent person I knew.
She reply quickly saying that she need our name for booking the air ticket.
Strange, as Xing and me already fax all the full detail document to the person who arrange this trip(not the travel agent). He have to pass all our infor this the travel agent to do all the arrangement. I just wonder why he did not do his NORMAL job and pass the document to Vivian. Very very strange to me and canot think a reason why he can do like that!

Anyway, after I sent the sms to Vivian, she didn't say anting, then it should be okay.

I really hope and pray anything is okay for this important trip to me, after the booking air ticket incident. I hope no more other trouble things happen to us again. Thanks and pray for Buddha to do the enlightment to us!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Tranfer money

Tranfet the rest of the money to PAHT, the travel point in this afternoon.
Hope they received as the bank charge me B$25.10 already for each tranfer.
Oh yes, I just internet banking transfer. Easy.

I miss the appointment yesterday

I miss the appointment yesterday or have to say miss the appointment on last Saturday 23rd Dec, 2006. It was the dental appointment.

After I first visit the Government dental department, they checked and filling in the temporary stage. Then give a appointment for the permanent filling. So I wrote it down on my desktop calendar on 28th then draw a arrow to 23rd. It was on October 2006. Finally I was thought the appointment should be on 28th, not 23rd anymore. I even did see any arrow! So I missed the appointment finally, then after the miss appointed, I found the arrow after back to office and checked my desktop calendar.

I have to pay B$3.00 to get another appointment on 21st Feb, 2007. The dentist have full and busy appointment!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Firefox is the best?

Somtime I found firefox is the best broswer.
Tonight I try to surf to to check my credit card status. Login to member site and checked. The IE6 and avnat broswer always surf very fast and give me the error pages.

Tried severl times still the same.
So I finally use this Mozilla firefox broswer version 1.5.08.
It's worked, so I checked my status, the system is confirm they received my booking this afternoon. Good!

So firefox is the best, who know. Sometime I like it so much, but the thing is we have to try severla broswer then we can get the result we wanted.

Brunet back to services

Brunet finally back to services on last night at around 9:00pm.
I suddenly can surf to and finally can checked my emails.

Then this morning I still got the email from them saying the internet may cause by the Taiwan earthquake, but I found everything is okay from now.

So just what I think. Thanks Buddha it's back to services.

Mad Travel booking

Have to write this story.
Xing and me have planed go to KL on next year Jan 12, backed on 14th. So strating to plan and finally booked the ticket on, and luckily (or unlucky) to get the cheapest return ticket at RM$19.99.

Then something happen, we have to go to Taiwan for urgent travel. Then the tour starting at 12th at KL, just the same date we went to KL. The best or worst thing is the time between is too little, only 3 hour. Just that Xing and me more confirmed not to change the date although the time so little. Then we have to throw away the ticket we back, as we backed from Taiwan is 16th, NOT 14th. The first lost!

I checked and found I even cannot surf and have a look of the booked ticket. Tried so many times, still cannot, other flight info can view in complate. Just this booking cannot. Then my nephew told me that as it is the cheapest flight ticket, so cannot change anything. NOT just that I can change the return cheaptest date, the non cheapest arriving KL I even view, as I book the ticket is with return, as it included this cheapest fight ticket, so I cannot do anything.

So I have to book a new return ticket at 16th January, 2007. Cheapt too at RM$25.00 but the tax is about RM$65.00 each person. The tax is expensive than the air fare!

Then two Dharma brother back from KL yesterday. The travelling using airaisa too, but unlucky than they have to wait for 5 hour for delay. 5 hours...oh my Buddha, then our time is ony just 3 hour. Then Xing's mind starting to worry, he called when he received this Dharma brother call. I didn't say anything, just say no need to change.

Then I wake up at 3:50am and cannot sleep again, thinking and thinking of if we delay for 2 hours, then we may miss the Taiwan trip. Oh, no no no, it is the most important in our life. Cannot miss. My mind also started unstable, thinking the most negative thing. All negative thinking all over my mind. Cannot sleep well until morning.

So I wake up at 7:00am(can be late wakeup as today I have a doctor appointment), but I cannot wait to calll up Xing to have the tea break with me to discuss this matter.

Then he finally agreed to change.
So I checked(already checked throught when I wake up at 4:00am something) again.
I called Xing again, then he finally mention it's better to travel from BSB. Most cheapter. The right time for him as he have to fetch his wife on 11th Jan on that morning.
The flight is on 18:00. The total amount is B$78.00

So I make the decision to book. Ehhhrrr...why the system say error when it verified my credit card? My credit card is valid and I can buy a mobile phone for my office stuff this afternoon. So tried again, this time the Visa secured paid is appear, then I finally pass through it. But the next page is saying the system have some error? Puzzle on my mind, why it gave me the secure paid page then still got error. Nevermind, I can book again.

Then I login to to recheck. My flight info is still there, then I checked, the paid status is CONFIRMED! Good news, good news at least it not said on PENDING. If Pending mean that the system is not accept my booking. So my jumping heart is cool down. I finally book the flight I wanted. So called Xing quickly to tell him this story! What a day!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Brunet is very very slow

Brunet is very very slow today.
Even I cannot surf to, believe or not, believed it!
To poor than I cannot login to my Yahoo email account.
No emails for today!

I also try to use the dial up at my office today.
Same thing happen and cannot surf to and Yahoo email login page.

I though the espeed can help, but NOT. Cannot surf into it! Just received their email this morning(on brunet account)said that their "Links" is okay already, but not seem after the Taiwan earthquake, then all links are broken again?

Strange, only can surf to this page! Lucky that I can write blog today...

Getting Fat these day

These days eating too much.Going eat and eat and eat.Before Christmas, our home starting to have a big dinner.Then on Christmas day, we have big dinner again.Thena fter Christmas, our home have someone birthday, then eat big again.So I am getting fat again.Have to think a way to reduce fat!If getting fat then I felt I getting heavier!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My travel document travel backed

Finally my travel document travel backed from KL.Good, cost B$125.00.Then I have chance go to Taiwan.Then we have to do the Malaysia visa again.Pass the two photo to travel agent for doing the visa in the afternoon.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Not doing anything

Today is Saturday.
No planning to go anywhere.
Knew there is a pc fair in Bandar, plan to go, but no mood to go. Plus now it's raining, so getting no mood to go up there.

Just wake up and watch the HK Drama series, very good film. Named Dicey Business.
I like to watch this HK Drama series. Just watch until the 24 episods.

May go to KB this afternoon to check the office electricity supply, always tripped these days.

Yahoo email inbox folder still 56627 inbox, cannot solve the problem. That day saw no even one email on inbox, just after click in, still got emails there, refresh, then the 56627 inbox message still there.

Already sent emails to Yahoo, but no reply. Disappointed!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Yahoo email inbox problem

Login to Yahoo mail tonight and found the inbox folder became only 1 email. Happy to click in, then found there is several new emails, not only one email.

Then try to detele some of the spam emails, refresh, then the old problem came back again.
It shod 65531 emails not open again.

Alreadey sent complain email to yahoo support, but no reply. A bit disappointed!

Several things

He still delay the payment until today. That day he sent sms said he will pay on Thursday, I really pray that he will kept his promise, but he don't.

Until I sms him again then he reply, just give him some more days. He still the same, didn't keep his promise. I just worried he will wait until another mature date. So just keep sending him sms to chase him.

I finally got this merge to the beta So now I have to use the gmail accoun to log in.

The beta blogger since better, and it really merge to my another account I create before.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Joined today and found it is very useful to uploaded photos, photos sharing and easy upload photo into blogs and web.

Like this photo I just drag and drop from the photo bar, sure I have to use thier broswer named flock. into here and it uploaded, so fast and good!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Set the comments setting

Set to anyone can post the comments.
See this setting will make the comments getting more and more or not.
Not sure whether it will cause the spam comments or not.
Just try!

Finally decided go to Taiwan

Finally decided go to Taiwan.

Xing and me go.

Today pass CI to travel agent to do the visa. Hope it will done faster. They mention it required about 3 weeks to do the visa.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Google for Brunei

Found accidently for this Google for Brunei.

Brunei finally have the word of searching...

Google Brunei

Yahoo email account inbox problem

Yahoo email account inbox problem.

Got this problem in the sudden.
Just sign in and checked my emails normally, but found the inbox have thousand of emails.

Just clicked and found there is no much many emails.

Sent my problem to Yahoo answer to check whether there is some others have the same problem. No answer yet!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Back to Tamu

Tonight we back to Tamu place for practicing QiGong.
After two month on Chung Hwa school.
We will keep practicing Qigong from here now.

No blogging


No write my blog for several days.
It's normal as I did it before.
May be it's because I late wakeup these days, so no blogging in the monring.

Went to Miri on Saturday to check the skin doctor.
Attend the QiGong course for the new students. Started at 10:00am, end at 6:00pm.

May be there is no ceremony on CNY, 2007. Everything is no confirm yet.
Fattt back from Australia this morning at 8:30am.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Virus attacked

That day I tried to access a website and try to install something.
The web site is too bad to install something I don't want then I got this virus burst program installed and always show the virus detected message.

I tried several days and finally manage to kill the virus warning.