Monday, December 01, 2008

ATM machine awareness!

1WU:5:15 2WU:6:21 MQG:3,4

Source: Forwarded Email.

Today I passed by a building which has an ATM machine.
There was an old man looking at me and suddenly called me. He said he doesn't know how to read, so he gave me an ATM card and asked me to help him take money from the ATM machine.

I answered him 'NO!! If you need help, ask the security to help you.
' Then he said 'never mind..' and just continue to find other people to help him...
REMEMBER: ATM machines have CCTV. If you help him, and later he says you have robbed him or stole his ATM card, or even his ATM card wasn't his too. So please be careful for these frauds.

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