It's been a long time that I cannot input Chinese characters for my LG-GM730 touch screen mobile phone. Which make me so crazy to do the internet searching for the result.
Go almost all the LG support and they cannot gave me any solution.
I really disappoint for their support and their poor web site which cannot submit my problem. Always gave me error web page. It last for several months that I cannot get the solution.
I also post my question to Yahoo answer, no one reply me.
I post to msn forum, someone gave me the question, but still cannot solve my problem, but it gave me the hint how I can solve my problem.
Here is the solution:
1. Surf to
2. Select your region and your country.
3. Select support. Select Mobile Phone support.
4. On "Download LG Mobile Support Tool to PC", click download
5. Follow the web page instruction.
4. Connect your mobile phone to your PC.
6. Install the USB driver.
7. Click "start updating" after installing USB driver.
Wait until finish for the software updating.
Your mobile phone will restart and new Windows Mobile was installed.
Remember to backup everything before doing the above updating.
The first step is finished. This installation is for your mobile phone to fully support Chinese characters.
Then you have to surf to Download the file. File name: A4_PPC_SIP_QVGA_v2.0.45.rar(954,447 bytes)
unzip the file. It will created a folder: A4智能输入法PPC触摸屏版(QVGA)_v2.0.45
copy 4智能输入法PPC触摸屏版(QVGA)_v2.0.45 to your mobile phone.
Run the file: ZTA4_QVGA_SIP_v2.0.45.CAB.
You have to restart the mobile phone.
Go to write a sms,then you should input Chinese now.